Thursday, April 26, 2007

United We Roll World Tour Show / April 2007 Vol.1

Stardust Radio News
April 2007

Greetings To Past Guests Of Our United We Roll World Tour Show!!
Some interesting changes have been happening at Stardust Radio, but first and foremost, we want to let you all know that we are still providing the same service to you all that we have for the past 6 years. We are proud that we are still able to offer free air time in the form of live interviews as a complimentary service to all of the wonderful organizations and persons who offer support to our military members, their families and our Vets. We ask only that, after completion of an interview, our guest(s) take a few minutes to record their comments in our website guest book and place our link on their website as we also place every guest’s link on the Stardust website. (See the United We Roll page at
If you do not have our link on your website now and need one, I am placing a couple of our banners at the end of this newsletter or you can find a few more selections on our website at (Just click on the Link button in the left column on the site main page and it will take you to the selection of link banners).
And now on with some really NEAT news ……
New On United We Roll World Tour - Live Visits With Deployed Troops
We are VERY honored to have made an arrangement for a deployed military member to join us live each week during the show! You are invited, if you can find a couple of minutes one week or another, to call in on the toll free number (877-213-4329) just to say thank you while these brave warriors are on the line with us. The interviews are scheduled to begin at 3:35pm Central time and the phone lines will open at appr 3:45pm for calls. The length of the interview will average about 30 minutes, unless we are able to arrange more time. Even if you do not call in, you may want to listen and hear the news they have to offer. The real news, straight from the people who really know what is happening.
New Slogan At United We Roll World Tour - SILENT NO MORE!!!
Mostly as a direct result of the March 17th Gathering of Eagles in Washington DC, where thousands of American Vets, family members and military supporters stood with dignity and respect while the protestors marched through, we have developed a new slogan here at Stardust Radio. Why? Because the mainstream media totally ignored those thousands of Americans who drove from across the country to be there - not a picture, not an interview, not a reference as to the numbers of Vets and caring Americans in attendance. This was like the straw that broke the camel’s back. We are trying to help to wake up the quiet Americans and let them know that they can no longer afford to sit back and not speak up. SILENT NO MORE!!!! The silent majority must step forward and let their voices be heard. SILENT NO MORE!!! If you missed the March 17th event and lack of coverage, go to the Stardust website - - and check out the photos, video and audio records. Gene Simes of VFVC ran a live remote on Stardust from Washington DC on that March 17th for 3 hours and it is all documented. Please join us and put SILENT NO MORE on your site, too.
New Website With FANTASTIC New Interactive Auditorium!!!
Call it cool, awesome, the Bees Knees, the Cat’s Pajamas or just plain WOW, the new website with the Talking Communities Auditorium is just about the best setup you have ever seen!! Shortly after the first of this year, our new website made it’s debut with a high tech, streamlined look and it performs as smooth as it looks for both dial-up and high speed users.
But, you still have not seen anything until you have joined us for a show in the Talking Communities Auditorium! You can communicate with the show host and other visitors in the auditorium. If you are a guest in the show, we can put your website up on the screen in the auditorium, show photos that you provide and more. It truly is a great way to enjoy a radio show with video availability and communications among each other. So far, the response has been a 12 on a scale of 1 - 10!! And it is so simple to enter the auditorium. On the Stardust Radio website main page, scroll down to the Talking Communities box in the center. You will need to click on the download in order to receive the software to use this program - do not worry, there are no attachments or surprises in this software. The download takes just a few seconds. Then, click once on Click Here To Enter. In the login box, enter a name for yourself in the user (top) box and click on login - no password is needed. Join us in the auditorium for any of our live shows, whether you are listening as part of the audience or are going to be a guest on the show!

Keep Us And Our Listeners Informed Of Your Projects & Events
We know that many of our military support organizations have a variety of projects that take place throughout the calendar year. So, we invite you to visit with us whenever you need to get some information out to our listeners. Some of our guests have so much "on the burner" that they join us on the show every two to three months. If you are not able to visit with us personally, then feel free to send your press releases or emails with information to us with some advance notice at our station email and we will do our best to get your info on the air for you. If you need to get hold of us in a hurry, please call Judi at 850-864-2586. It has been our honor to get to know you and we are here to help you help our troops, until they all come home.
May God Bless Our Military Members Wherever They Are Stationed, Our Veterans & All Of Our Military Families,
May God Bless All Of The Caring Americans Who Stand Up To Support Those Who Defend Our Freedom & Their Loved Ones Who Miss Them So
Judi & Jeff
United We Roll World Tour / Stardust Radio

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