Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Pain Legislation For Military & Vets Needs Your Support

I received this information today from the American Pain Foundation and I cannot encourage everyone enough to contact your legislators to get on board with this legislation! As one American who is living with debilitating chronic pain due to a fractured wrist, nerve damage and delayed treatment, I understand all too well how very important this legislation is to the welfare of so many of those who protect our freedom. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATROS TODAY!!!

American Pain Foundation on Pain Legislation

The American Pain Foundation
A United Voice of Hope and Power over Pain
Military/Veterans and Pain

NEW! Veterans Pain Care Act of 2007 (S 2160) Passed by the Senate Affairs Committee!
o TAKE ACTION NOW! To help this bill pass, urge your Senators to co-sponsor this important legislation!

o Brenda Murdough, MSN, RN-C, Coordinator of the APF’s Military/Veteran in Pain Initiative, testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs on October 24th in support of the Veterans Pain Care Act of 2007. Read Brenda's testimony, see pictures and read the bill.

o Military (draft) Veterans (S 2160)
o Summaries: Military Veterans
o Veterans Pain Care Act Consensus Statement
o Freedom from Pain Panelist Bios
o Testimony of Dr. Lema on behalf of the Pain Care Coalition
o Testimony of Brenda Murdough on behalf of the American Pain Foundation
Freedom from Pain Campaign 2007

We honor the men and women of the military by calling attention to untold stories of unrelenting pain and trauma - scars that rob veterans of their quality of life long after returning home. As part of this tribute, APF has created the "Freedom from Pain" media campaign, as part of ongoing efforts to raise awareness of resources for veterans in pain, members of the military and their families. Click here to see recent photos of our media event on Capitol Hill, calling attention to the toll of pain on injured members of the military. Click here to read facts, news, and legislation concerning this initiative.

Coming Soon! Exit Wounds
o ARTICLES by Veterans
o Fact Sheet and Information Sheet
o PAINAID Online Community
o VOICES of Veterans in Pain

PAINAID for Military/Veterans
Give it a try. Talking to other people can help lessen your sense of isolation and you can get great tips. You can also participate at any time of day or night, so if something is keeping you awake, try talking to others who may also be sleepless. Click here to find out more about PainAid for Military/Veterans.

* If you are a member of the military or a veteran and have pain, could you please complete this confidential survey? It will take you only a couple of minutes and there are no gimmicks; we just need information so we can better understand the needs of service members with pain. So far, over 750 veterans or members of the military have completed our survey. THANK YOU! Click here to read the survey highlights.

The American Pain Foundation (APF) thanks the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Charitable Service Trust and other foundations and corporations for supporting this initiative to reach out to active military and veterans who are in pain and provide them with educational information, and support to improve their pain care, decrease their sense of isolation, and encourage them in their pursuit of a better quality of life for themselves and their families.

©2002-2007 American Pain Foundation
201 N. Charles Street, Suite 710, Baltimore, Maryland 21201-4111

God Bless America! God Bless Those Who Protect Our Freedom and Our Country!
Judi and Jeff
Stardust Radio

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