Sunday, May 18, 2008

Stardust Radio Brings News From Our Deployed Troops Weekly

The United We Roll World Tour Show on Stardust Radio has been hosting interviews with our deployed troops on a weekly basis and has had to shift the start time of the show from 3pm Central to 2pm Central to assist in the time difference between the US and the MidEast. In some cases, the show has also been extended to accomodate the number and/or length of the interviews for that week. An example of the show content is listed below.

This live show is scheduled to air on Tuesday afternoons from 2pm - 4pm Central time. The taped version of the show is then broadcast again the following Thursday evening and Saturday morning. It is also placed on the Stardust Radio website at for approximately 30 days for listening and downloading.

TUESDAY 5/13/08

If you have been listening to our show lately, you are aware that our interviews with deployed members have increased in numbers to the point that we have had to change the start time of our show from 3:00pm to 2:00pm Central time. This makes it easier for some of our deployed members to handle the time difference from the MidEast to the USA and it gives us plenty of time to extend the show if we have several interviews as has been the case with some shows.

On April 22nd, we announced the news that One Million air sorties had been flown in the Global War on Terrorism. In that show, we had interviews with pilots of a C-130, a B-1 Bomber, a U-2 and an A-10 “Warthog”. The following show we talked with the ground crews for each of these planes and what it took to keep them in the air. On May 6th, we talked with Lt Col Brill, an Air Force pilot who had just reached 6,000 hours of flight time in the F-16 fighter jet. And that is just the last couple of weeks. We have brought stories such as a young Iraqi boy who was badly burned in a kitchen fire, but the efforts of deployed Americans brought him to the USA where he is undergoing treatments in a Shriners’ Hospital and so many more stories and news.

As we are in the midst of May – the official Military Appreciation Month – there is not a better time to talk about the many kinds of support for our troops and today we will be talking with members who are deployed specifically to provide support to other deployed men and women.

We will be hearing first from Army Chaplain (CPT) Javon Seaborn - who is currently deployed in the Mideast and who is reaching us through our connection with As a Chaplain, his responsibility is not only to support the religious care of our troops, but also to offer personal care and counseling as well as to help with overall morale & welfare.

Then we will change forces from Army to Air Force as we will be talking with another deployed member who is also very involved in the support of our troops’ morale through faith and counseling – we will be joined by
Rabbi (CPT.) Raphael Berdugo

Next, we will shift our tone a bit as we talk to some Air Force Band members whose job it is to bring entertainment and smiles to our deployed men and women, who certainly deserve some time to relax and enjoy themselves in the company of these extremely talented and versatile musicians and vocalists.

We encourage each and every American to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way to thank a military member, to stand up and speak out for the support of our military members & Veterans – not just during the month of May – but every day of every month throughout the year. And we ask you all to please take note of any military families in your neighborhood who may have a deployed member and to stop by to say Hi – to offer a helping hand if one is needed in any way – and to let the family know that their neighbors are eager to help, eager to support and appreciate all that the family & their loved one do on behalf of our freedom.

Thank You! God Bless Our Troops! God Bless America!

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