Monday, October 7, 2013

United We Roll World Tour Show
Stardust Radio
Tuesday 10/08/13  1:00pm- 2:50pm Central (Live)
Wednesday 10/09/13  6:00pm- 7:50pm Central (Repeat)

Welcome Stardust Listeners -
We thank you for joining us on Tuesday, Oct 8th of 2013.

This week we bring you two new outstanding visits.

We will be joined by A1C Joseph P Coleman-Header of the 376 AEW/CP and also by SrA Kyle E Jones of the 376 ELRS, both of whom are serving on deployment at the Transit Center at Manas in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

These visits are both highly informational and inspirational, so stay tuned.

Be sure to join us again next week (Tuesday 10/15) when we will bring you
the first of our interviews with soldiers from the 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade.


United We Roll World Tour at Stardust Radio Network, Inc - click Listen Live button

Tuesday 10/08/13

1:00pm - Introduction / Announcements

376 AEW

Interview #1 (appr 1:12pm) - A1C Joseph P Coleman-Header
376 AEW/CP  - Transit Center at Manas
Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Interview #2 (appr 1:57pm) - SrA Kyle E Jones
376 ELRS  - Transit Center at Manas
Republic of Kyrgyzstan

 Show ends at appr 2:50pm Central

If you are not able to stay through the show this afternoon,
it will repeat on Wednesday 10/09 evening at 6:00pm Central.
After the repeat show has been broadcast, an MP3 copy will be posted
on the Stardust Radio Network Inc Archive site at



Time Difference Between Central Zone USA and
Republic of Kyrgyzstan

7am Central USA Daylight = 6pm Kyr Time
(Kyrgyzstan is 11 hours ahead of US Central Daylight time)



376 AEW

Warrior of the Week: Senior Airman Kyle Jones

Note: SrA Kyle Jones joined us for a truly outstanding interview for our show on October 8th, 2013. Learn even more from this dedicated and inspirational Hero of Freedom.


To Our Military Members & First Responders
And To All The Families Who Also Serve...
The words Thank You will never be big enough!


Someone once said .....

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity.
An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."



Stardust Radio Network Inc
Supporting Our Military Since November 12, 2001
Listening Instructions

How To Listen to Live Stardust Radio Broadcasts:
1) Local Area Riverside, Iowa - Tune in to 1690 AM radio

2) Listen Live From Website - Go to our website at Click on the Listen Live button in the center of the screen which will connect you with the Live 365 listening service at no charge. You may need to click on the settings button to select whether you prefer to listen through Windows Media Player or Flash Player. You will immediately be able to listen to the broadcast at any hour of the day or night.

To Listen & Download Previous Episodes Of United We Roll World Tour Shows
Tapes are in MP3 Formats - No Streaming

2) Click on United We Roll button top left
3) Scroll down to desired show date
4) double click with LEFT mouse button on download line to listen to tape
5) click once with RIGHT mouse button on download line to download tape to your computer
6) In the box that opens, left click on SAVE TARGET AS and choose your folder on your computer where the tape will be saved

We hope you enjoy the show! Please feel free to sign our guest book on our website. Your feedback is very important to us.
Please contact for assistance


For more news &  articles on current happenings, please visit our United We Roll sites at:
Stardust Radio –
United We Roll Blog – click World Tour blog button on United We Roll page at
Stardust Archive Site for MP3 Copies of Shows -
United We Roll Facebook -


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