Sunday, December 9, 2012

Our Elected Officials Have Lost Dignity & Respect

Why is it that the dedicated Americans who protect our country & freedom through the military service and those who protect our communities & families through service as a First Responder are often the ones who have to plead for their promised benefits or see their benefits reduced before many other budget cuts are considered? These Americans are already working on salaries that are far below those made by the elected officials who also have additional benefits - jets to fly them from DC to the coast, vacations in Hawaii when Camp David and other less expensive facilities are available, and on and on.

But it is the military members and First Responders who are always there when they are needed. Not like politicians who decide when and if they will be in attendance to vote on legislation. Our failing budget should be as critical as a burning building, but our legislators can still take a 3 day weekend? Their bickering and posturing has brought our country to new crisis and new terms - "sequestration", "cliff fall".

Our legislators used to be Ladies and Gentlemen who earned our respect. Today, the use of despicable language, threats to punch someone out (as in the reporter incident recently), selfish behavior and the constant name calling has taken away any trace of dignity that once graced the halls of our capitol. Is it any wonder that young persons act out the way that they do? Just watch the evening news - what a terrific role model our elected officials have become. They are ripping this country apart with their blaming, shaming, lies and lack of trust. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

I am grateful that I grew up in the military and have known that community of love, loyalty and commitment. That used to be very similar to life in the USA. With the total lack of decent leadership in Washington DC and the horrific effects it is having on this country, I must guess that only those who are close to their faith or those who are in communities such as the military or first responders are able to find some security through those relationships.

The next time we see a terrible tragedy such as a school shooting or someone is charged with a crime that is far below what their actions called for (ie: Fort Hood shootings cited as "Work Place Violence" rather than the clear terrorism it was), let's look at our "leadership". They are quick to throw blame, it is time they start to accept blame for their actions and the trickle down effect it has had on our beautiful country. It is time they look to their own expenses and start cutting there. Perhaps if they come down off their pedestals and become a part of the regular American citizenry, they will find some of their common sense and other qualities that we really need in DC.

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