Friday, March 20, 2015

Mike Christian, Vietnam POW, and his hand sewn American Flag

Mike Christian – a young Hero and POW during the VietNam WarAnd the story of his hand sewn American Flag

The story is narrated on a You Tube video as it was told by John McCain – While a POW, Mike Christian made a bamboo needle and then, with pieces of fabric, he managed to sew an American Flag on the inside of a shirt to hide it for safe keeping. Then each evening, he would turn the flag side out and they would hang the shirt in their prisoner building to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

While they were out of the building, the guards came in and searched as they normally did and they found the flag shirt. They took Mike Christian out and beat him horribly. When they brought him back, the other prisoners did what they could to clean his wounds. That night, as most slept on the concrete floor, John McCain saw this young man sitting under one of the few lights, eyes almost swollen closed from the beating, but he had already started to sew another flag so they would again have it for their daily Pledge.

This is just a part of the story about this incredible young man who grew up in the country and did not even own a pair of shoes until he was a teenager. Yet he went on to become a Navy pilot, which was how he wound up as a POW after his plane was shot down. Please check out the whole story as it is told in the You Tube video. It will make your heart pop with American pride. You can find the link in our United We Roll Blog.

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