Friday, March 20, 2015

Mike Christian, Vietnam POW, and his hand sewn American Flag

Mike Christian – a young Hero and POW during the VietNam WarAnd the story of his hand sewn American Flag

The story is narrated on a You Tube video as it was told by John McCain – While a POW, Mike Christian made a bamboo needle and then, with pieces of fabric, he managed to sew an American Flag on the inside of a shirt to hide it for safe keeping. Then each evening, he would turn the flag side out and they would hang the shirt in their prisoner building to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

While they were out of the building, the guards came in and searched as they normally did and they found the flag shirt. They took Mike Christian out and beat him horribly. When they brought him back, the other prisoners did what they could to clean his wounds. That night, as most slept on the concrete floor, John McCain saw this young man sitting under one of the few lights, eyes almost swollen closed from the beating, but he had already started to sew another flag so they would again have it for their daily Pledge.

This is just a part of the story about this incredible young man who grew up in the country and did not even own a pair of shoes until he was a teenager. Yet he went on to become a Navy pilot, which was how he wound up as a POW after his plane was shot down. Please check out the whole story as it is told in the You Tube video. It will make your heart pop with American pride. You can find the link in our United We Roll Blog.

The Knock on Our Door

My heart has a message
I am trying to ignore.
It says they are coming
To knock on our door.

I will close my eyes and
I will cover my ears,
I pray they go away
And take all my fears

It was some time ago
That we agreed on this life,
You wear the uniform
I serve by your side.

Though you protect others
Most will never know,
The dangers you face
So they can go home.

In the quiet of peace
Or in the chaos of war,
You serve in harm’s way
That’s who you are.

In the midst of confusion
You stand strong for right,
You bring freedom to many
Who sleep safe tonight.

You are my Hero and
And the light of my life.
We serve our country,
We are a team, you & I.

They will say you are gone,
That you’re not coming home.
But I feel you right here …
Right where you belong.

My heart has a message
I am trying to ignore.
It says they are coming
To knock on our door.

Dedicated to Those who Serve & Their
Families. Military & First Responders.

Judi Burns




Thursday, June 5, 2014

Many of us here in the USA could take a lesson from the people of Picauville, France (D-Day)

It was just a few years ago through a conversation with a gentleman from the Netherlands, that I learned of the adoptions of American graves by grateful Europeans. Adopting a grave means keeping it neat, placing flowers and recognizing the Fallen on important dates, some maintain communications with US family members and some, like the gentleman I mentioned, even setup websites to honor those who protected their freedom and now rest on their land. Some cemeteries even have waiting lists of citizens who wish to adopt an American Fallen Hero's grave.

As the residents of Picauville, France pay honor to those who came to their country and fought for their freedom on D-Day, they bring their children as they pass on the meaning of freedom and the history behind it. They also add to the memorial they have built for the 101st and 82nd Airborne crews and paratroopers who gave the ultimate sacrifice on June 6th of 1944.

Numerous such celebrations are taking place in France and Europe to honor this epic day in history and the lives who enjoyed freedom because of it. We should give thanks that no such invasion has taken place on our shores. We should share this and every important event in history with our children and in our communities and never let them or the people who served and fell ever be forgotten.

Picauville Residents Honor Fallen D-Day Troops

By Army Sgt. 1st Class Tyrone C. Marshall Jr.
American Forces Press Service

PICAUVILLE, France, June 5, 2014 - The determination of this community to honor the memory of the American pilots and soldiers who fought for their liberty during D-Day is evident, NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe said here today.

Air Force Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, also commander of U.S. European Command, spoke to veterans, family members, local citizens and members of the Association Picauville Remembers.
Breedlove paid his respects during the unveiling of a new addition to a monument honoring C-47 Skytrain military transport crews and paratroopers from the 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions who lost their lives in the area during D-Day operations 70 years.

"I'm proud to be here with you today as we dedicate the new section of this monument to the memory of those from Picauville," he said.

Before the ceremony, the general said he had the honor of meeting Brucie Campbell, daughter of Lt. Col. Bruce Parcell, who was "one of the many men we lost during the Battle of Normandy."
"Named after her father, little Brucie was born a month after her father's death," Breedlove said. "She was not even a year old when her father's posthumous Distinguished Flying Cross was pinned to her gown."

The general noted how she grew up never knowing her father, whose name was emblazoned alongside those who served with him on the new plaque honoring their "bravery and heroic actions."
It is impossible, Breedlove said, to understand the personal price she has paid over her lifetime for the freedom her father sacrificed for.

Breedlove also recalled meeting John Bessups, a man from the Netherlands who grew up near several World War II battlefields and "always been interested in this war."

"In 2005, he visited the D-Day battlegrounds and the beaches for the first time," the general said. "There he learned about adopting the graves of U.S. soldiers who were killed during World War II. He has adopted three soldiers."

After listing the three soldiers, Breedlove said Bessups routinely corresponds with the soldiers' family members, puts flowers and flags on their graves at Christmas, Easter, their birthdays and the dates of their death.

"He looks after the graves of his soldiers because their families cannot," he said.
Breedlove added, "It was amazing for me to learn that the American Cemetery in Margraten is the only cemetery in the world where every one of the 8,301 graves has been adopted."

There's a waiting list for further adoptions, he said, noting U.S. troops who never came home from the war are being looked after by the French, Dutch, Belgian and German citizens.

"The determination of this community to retain the memory of the American pilots and soldiers who fought for their liberty is evident in the face of every person I have met from Picauville," he said.
"You are the children of liberty," Breedlove added, "and your commitment to honoring your liberators is beautifully embodied in this monument today."

The general said he was "most impressed" by the inclusion of children into the ceremony.
"It's evident that you are passing on the responsibility to remember and respect the actions of brave young men and women who contributed to the success of the greatest endeavor ever undertaken in the name of liberty," Breedlove said.

From the blood spilled on this ground, he said, a proud legacy has grown as those that fought "saved our way of life."

The most amazing outcome of the post-World War II era, Breedlove said, has been the proud confederation that is today's NATO alliance.

"Enemies on the battlefield 70 years ago are now staunch allies, and the bond across the Atlantic Ocean, born here in the Normandy region, is stronger than it has ever been," he said.
"Through a promise of collective defense we have earned seven decades of peace, security and prosperity," Breedlove added.

(Follow Sgt. 1st Class Tyrone Marshall on Twitter: @MarshallAFPS)

Ref:  Original article and photos:

Related Sites:
D-Day and the Invasion of Normandy
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
U.S. European Command

Monday, December 23, 2013

United We Roll World Tour Show at Stardust Radio Network Inc Tuesday 12-24-13


United We Roll World Tour Show

Stardust Radio Network Inc

Tuesday 12/24/13  1:00pm - 2:25pm Central (Live)

Wednesday 12/25/13  6:00pm - 7:25pm Central (Repeat)


Welcome Stardust Listeners -

We thank you for joining us on Tuesday, Dec 24th of 2013.


This week we are honored to bring you a visit that is truly outstanding in so many areas.

Our guest is SSgt Paul McGatchey, who is currently deployed with the 71st Expeditionary Air Control Squadron of the 379th AEW.  The members of the 71st EACS (known as "Pyramid") control all aircraft flying over Afghanistan except for when they are in the direct airspace of an airport under Air Traffic Controllers. After our visit with SSgt McGatchey, stay tuned as we share some Christmas music dedicated to our Military & First Responder Members & Families.


We hope that you will join us again next Tuesday, December 30th, for visits with members from our newest unit, the 386th AEW in Southwest Asia, and from the 376th Air Expeditionary Wing in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.




United We Roll World Tour at Stardust Radio Network, Inc - click Listen Live button



Tuesday 12/24/13 1:00pm

Wednesday 12/25/13 6:00pm (repeat)


1:00pm - Introduction / Announcements

379 AEW / 71st EACS


Interview #1 (appr 1:10pm) - SSgt Paul McGatchey

71st Expeditionary Air Control Squadron

Southwest Asia

 Show ends at appr 2:25pm Central


If you are not able to stay through the show this afternoon,

it will repeat on Wednesday 12/25 evening at 6:00pm Central.

After the repeat show has been broadcast, an MP3 copy will be posted

on the Stardust Radio Network Inc Archive site at






To Our Military Members And Families

Who Serve To Protect Our Freedom...


To Our First Responders And Families

Who Protect Our Families & Communities…


The words Thank You will never be big enough,

especially at this time of year !




Wishing You All A Peaceful &

Merry Christmas!

Judi & Jeff

Stardust Radio Network Inc



Stardust Radio Network Inc

Supporting Our Military

Since November 11, 2001

Broadcast & MP3 Listening Instructions


How To Listen to Live Stardust Radio Broadcasts:

1) Local Area Riverside, Iowa - Tune in to 1690 AM radio


2) Listen Live From Website - Go to our website at Click on the Listen Live button in the center of the screen which will connect you with the Live 365 listening service at no charge. You may need to click on the settings button to select whether you prefer to listen through Windows Media Player or Flash Player. You will immediately be able to listen to the broadcast at any hour of the day or night.



To Listen & Download Previous Episodes Of United We Roll World Tour Shows

Tapes are in MP3 Formats - No Streaming


2) Click on United We Roll button top left

3) Scroll down to desired show date

4) double click with LEFT mouse button on download line to listen to tape


5) click once with RIGHT mouse button on download line to download tape to your computer

6) In the box that opens, left click on SAVE TARGET AS and choose your folder on your computer where the tape will be saved


We hope you enjoy the show! Please feel free to sign our guest book on our website. Your feedback is very important to us.

Please contact for assistance




For more news &  articles on current happenings, please visit our United We Roll sites at:

Stardust Radio –

United We Roll Blog – click World Tour blog button on United We Roll page at

Stardust Archive Site for MP3 Copies of Shows -

United We Roll Facebook -







Thanks To our Our Listeners

for 12 Years of Tuning In and Supporting Our Troops!

Judi & Jeff

Stardust Radio Network Inc


Monday, October 7, 2013

United We Roll World Tour Show
Stardust Radio
Tuesday 10/08/13  1:00pm- 2:50pm Central (Live)
Wednesday 10/09/13  6:00pm- 7:50pm Central (Repeat)

Welcome Stardust Listeners -
We thank you for joining us on Tuesday, Oct 8th of 2013.

This week we bring you two new outstanding visits.

We will be joined by A1C Joseph P Coleman-Header of the 376 AEW/CP and also by SrA Kyle E Jones of the 376 ELRS, both of whom are serving on deployment at the Transit Center at Manas in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

These visits are both highly informational and inspirational, so stay tuned.

Be sure to join us again next week (Tuesday 10/15) when we will bring you
the first of our interviews with soldiers from the 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade.


United We Roll World Tour at Stardust Radio Network, Inc - click Listen Live button

Tuesday 10/08/13

1:00pm - Introduction / Announcements

376 AEW

Interview #1 (appr 1:12pm) - A1C Joseph P Coleman-Header
376 AEW/CP  - Transit Center at Manas
Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Interview #2 (appr 1:57pm) - SrA Kyle E Jones
376 ELRS  - Transit Center at Manas
Republic of Kyrgyzstan

 Show ends at appr 2:50pm Central

If you are not able to stay through the show this afternoon,
it will repeat on Wednesday 10/09 evening at 6:00pm Central.
After the repeat show has been broadcast, an MP3 copy will be posted
on the Stardust Radio Network Inc Archive site at



Time Difference Between Central Zone USA and
Republic of Kyrgyzstan

7am Central USA Daylight = 6pm Kyr Time
(Kyrgyzstan is 11 hours ahead of US Central Daylight time)



376 AEW

Warrior of the Week: Senior Airman Kyle Jones

Note: SrA Kyle Jones joined us for a truly outstanding interview for our show on October 8th, 2013. Learn even more from this dedicated and inspirational Hero of Freedom.


To Our Military Members & First Responders
And To All The Families Who Also Serve...
The words Thank You will never be big enough!


Someone once said .....

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity.
An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."



Stardust Radio Network Inc
Supporting Our Military Since November 12, 2001
Listening Instructions

How To Listen to Live Stardust Radio Broadcasts:
1) Local Area Riverside, Iowa - Tune in to 1690 AM radio

2) Listen Live From Website - Go to our website at Click on the Listen Live button in the center of the screen which will connect you with the Live 365 listening service at no charge. You may need to click on the settings button to select whether you prefer to listen through Windows Media Player or Flash Player. You will immediately be able to listen to the broadcast at any hour of the day or night.

To Listen & Download Previous Episodes Of United We Roll World Tour Shows
Tapes are in MP3 Formats - No Streaming

2) Click on United We Roll button top left
3) Scroll down to desired show date
4) double click with LEFT mouse button on download line to listen to tape
5) click once with RIGHT mouse button on download line to download tape to your computer
6) In the box that opens, left click on SAVE TARGET AS and choose your folder on your computer where the tape will be saved

We hope you enjoy the show! Please feel free to sign our guest book on our website. Your feedback is very important to us.
Please contact for assistance


For more news &  articles on current happenings, please visit our United We Roll sites at:
Stardust Radio –
United We Roll Blog – click World Tour blog button on United We Roll page at
Stardust Archive Site for MP3 Copies of Shows -
United We Roll Facebook -


Sunday, September 22, 2013

United We Roll World Tour Show
Stardust Radio
Tuesday 09/24/13  1:00pm- 2:00pm Central (Live)
Wednesday 09/25/13  6:00pm- 7:00pm Central (Repeat)

Welcome Stardust Listeners -
We thank you for joining us on Tuesday, Sept 24th of 2013.

This week we bring you two outstanding visits.

Our first guest is Kelly Derricks, President and Founder of C.O.V.V.H.A. (Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance) who will discuss very real health issues that have been passed down to children of military members who were exposed to Agent Orange.
You may be surprised at the numbers of children here in the USA and globally who are suffering with a variety of illnesses and the struggle to receive treatment.

Our second guest, TSgt Jeremi D. Cortez, joins us from the Transit Center at Manas in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan where she is on deployment with the 376 AEW (Air Expeditionary Wing). This interview was recorded on September 18th to bring to you all today. Though it was early morning here, it was evening there and there were several events that were going on to celebrate the 66th Birthday of the United States Air Force.

These visits are both informational and inspirational, so stay tuned.


United We Roll World Tour at Stardust Radio Network, Inc - click Listen Live button

Tuesday 9/24/13

1:00pm - Introduction / Announcements


Interview #1 (appr 1:05pm) - Kelly Derricks
President / Founder
Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance

376 AEW

Interview #2 (appr 1:14pm) - TSgt Jeremi D. Cortez
376 AEW  - Transit Center at Manas
Republic of Kyrgyzstan

 Show ends at appr 2:00pm Central

If you are not able to stay through the show this afternoon,
it will repeat on Wednesday 09/25 evening at 6:00pm Central.
After the repeat show has been broadcast, an MP3 copy will be posted
on the Stardust Radio Network Inc Archive site at



Time Difference Between Central Zone USA and
Republic of Kyrgyzstan

7am Central Daylight = 6pm Kyr Time
(Kyrgyzstan is 11 hours ahead of US Central Daylight time)



(Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance)

Article - The Toxic Legacy of Agent Orange
Published on Wednesday, 18 September 2013 13:31
376 AEW / "Liberandos"

September 18, 2013 - USAF 66th Birthday

Transit Center celebrates Air Force's 66th birthday

Posted 9/19/2013   Updated 9/19/2013 

by Staff Sgt. Krystie Martinez
376th Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs

9/19/2013 - TRANSIT CENTER AT MANAS, Kyrgyzstan -- Transit Center Airmen marked the Air Force's 66th anniversary since Sept. 18, 1947, with a celebration yesterday, that included games, music, prizes and of course food.

"As we get ready to celebrate our service's birthday.., let's not forget our history and let's not forget that we are adding to that history today, every one of us Airmen supporting the fight downrange," said Chief Master Sgt. Gregory Warren, 376th Air Expeditionary Wing command chief.

With the help of volunteers, the celebration was a success. Airmen deployed to the Transit Center, along with those Airmen and joint and coalition service members going to or coming from their deployed locations, were able to celebrate this momentous occasion.

Senior Airman Susan Garcia, an environmental and electrical specialist, deployed out of Little Rock Air Force Base, Ark., was one of those Airmen supporting the fight downrange. She transitioned through TCM on her way home from her deployed location during the celebration. 

"I'm just glad that I came through while they were celebrating the Air Force birthday, because it gave us something fun to do," said the Wamego, Kan., native. "I feel honored that I get to be here and celebrate."

The main events included a cake cutting by the youngest and oldest Airmen at TCM, sports competitions between Air Force units and a barbecue dinner.



SEPTEMBER 20, 2013



To Our Military Members
And To All The Families Who Also Serve...
The words Thank You will never be big enough!

Someone once said .....

“My country owes me nothing. It gave me, as it gives every boy and girl, a chance. 
It gave me schooling, independence of action, opportunity for service and honor.” 


Stardust Radio Network Inc
Supporting Our Military Since November 12, 2001
Listening Instructions

How To Listen to Live Stardust Radio Broadcasts:
1) Local Area Riverside, Iowa - Tune in to 1690 AM radio

2) Listen Live From Website - Go to our website at Click on the Listen Live button in the center of the screen which will connect you with the Live 365 listening service at no charge. You may need to click on the settings button to select whether you prefer to listen through Windows Media Player or Flash Player. You will immediately be able to listen to the broadcast at any hour of the day or night.

To Listen & Download Previous Episodes Of United We Roll World Tour Shows
Tapes are in MP3 Formats - No Streaming

2) Click on United We Roll button top left
3) Scroll down to desired show date
4) double click with LEFT mouse button on download line to listen to tape
5) click once with RIGHT mouse button on download line to download tape to your computer
6) In the box that opens, left click on SAVE TARGET AS and choose your folder on your computer where the tape will be saved

We hope you enjoy the show! Please feel free to sign our guest book on our website. Your feedback is very important to us.
Please contact for assistance


For more news &  articles on current happenings, please visit our United We Roll sites at:
Stardust Radio –
United We Roll Blog – click World Tour blog button on United We Roll page at
Stardust Archive Site for MP3 Copies of Shows -
United We Roll Facebook -
